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Other Tourist Attractions near Little Rann of Kutch

Zinzuwada Fort

Zinzuwada Fort was a major defense post during the Solanki dynasty in the 11th century. The inscriptions on the walls of the fort by Uda Mantri, a minister during the rule of King Siddhraj Jaisinh are evidence of the fort’s long existence. These inscriptions are one of the most interesting features of the fort. King Siddhraj Jaisinh of the Solanki dynasty is said to have been born in Zinzuwada with the blessings of a saint. The Kutch region was later ruled by the Jadeja dynasty in the 13th century. In the early 19th century it became a British protectorate while the local ruler enjoyed local autonomy after accepting British sovereignty.

The central attraction in Zinzuwada is the four gateways that are true examples of Indian architecture without any Mughal influence that can be seen in many other historical landmarks in the country. The resplendent gates, namely Madapol Gate, Harijan Gate, Rakshaspol Gate, and Dhama Gate feature images of various Indian deities which include Ganesh and Bhairava. Each gate is elaborately decorated with carvings and corbelled arches. The gates were constructed in t

Shri Shankeshwar Tirth

Shankheswar is considered to be the most miraculous and universally revered among the Jain pilgrimages of India. Shankheshwar and Nakoda are those two pilgrimages about which it is famous that the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled here. The devotees observe three fasts for worshipping this pilgrimage which in traditional vocabulary are called 'Tela' or 'Attham'. It is said that the worship of Shankheshwar pilgrimage performed with 'Attham' penance (fast) protects from peril and promotes happiness and prosperity.

Shankheshwar means the lord of the conchshells. According to mythological references, in the battle that took place between Jarasandh and Lord Krishna, Jarasandh threw 'Jara' on the army of Krishna. Then the evil effect of 'Jara' was rendered ineffective with the water consecrated by this image of the Lord.


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